
Generally Asked Questions.

Why Pranic Healing?

My journey with energy therapy transcends mere professional interest; it’s a deeply personal calling rooted in profound experiences of healing and transformation. With over a decade of dedicated experience, I’ve witnessed firsthand the remarkable impact of Pranic healing in restoring balance and vitality, not just within myself but within countless others.

How Does Pranic Healing Work?

Pranic healing, a ‘no-touch’ complementary therapy, facilitates the body’s innate ability to heal itself. rough specific hand movements and protocols, your energy body is cleansed, balanced, and energized, promoting faster recovery.

How should I be dressed?

Please wear comfortable clothing and avoid wearing silk and leather during a healing session.

How many sessions will I require?

Depending on the nature, the duration of how long you have been suffering, your receptivity and how strictly you follow the after-care, the number of sessions will vary from one person to another. You will however experience some changes after every session. I recommend a minimum of 3 sessions to see positive changes in yourself and continuing them at a reduced frequency to aid your recovery. Please note that for chronic ailments, cancers, trying for pregnancy many sessions will be required.

I am not ready to share some very sensitive details. Can you still help?

The short answer is Yes. Unlike therapies that require you to talk such as hypnotherapy or counselling etc, energy therapy works differently. You will be asked to disclose information such as what ailment you are suffering from and how it is impacting you from performing your daily routine in the confidential form you will be asked to submit prior your appointment, but the level of details provided is up to you.

How effective is distant healing compared to in-person sessions?

There is no difference in the techniques, duration and effectiveness of the healing that takes place regardless of whether you are seated across the room or across the globe. Pranic healing is a no-touch therapy anyway. The Reiki I practice is also no-touch.

Are there any side effects?

Both Pranic Healing and Reiki are considered safe with no known negative side effects. Some individuals may experience a temporary increase in symptoms as part of the healing process, known as a healing crisis, which usually subsides quickly. Pranic healing and Reiki can be used even on babies and pregnant women.

Are there any diet restrictions?

Not necessarily. Food, drink and exercise do impact the energy centers. Depending on the ailment, its severity, how chronic it has been etc, I recommend that certain foods are not consumed until you recover.

I don't have any specific ailments. Can I still have a Pranic healing or a Reiki session with you?

Yes, Pranic Healing and Reiki can help alleviate physical ailments, reduce stress, enhance mental clarity, and improve emotional well-being. It is also used to support overall energy balance and vitality. Most clients feel very calm and relaxed immediately after the first session.

I am trying to get pregnant. How will your healing sessions help?

Some women are anxious and it doesn’t help at all where as some women have an underlying medical condition on top e.g., PCOS, fallopian tube blockage, sterility etc. Some may have a mental blockage based on something from their past. I incorporate healing for all these aspects – physical, emotional and mental ailments in all my sessions. With less emotional or mental baggage, consciously or unconsciously, it aids your physical recovery.

How long does a session last?

The appointments are for 1 hour each with sessions usually taking 45 mins to 1 hour. In some cases, they take slightly longer.

Have doubts? Get your queries

Every person wishes for two things- happiness and well-being, to soar to the greatest heights. With your open mind, I can help you overcome your ailments. Each healing session is tailor-made, keeping your requirements my priority.

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Opening Hours

09:30 am – 8 pm (Mon – Sat)

By Appointment Only.

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