
Severe pain

I had been in hospital for two days with very severe head and eye pain, light sensitivity and nerve pain in my back and neck. Having had medical tests/scans with clear results, I was sent home without diagnosis and prescribed regular pain relief which managed some symptoms but did not alleviate others (pain when exposed to sunlight or bright light and inability to rotate my eye balls). Therefore i was still in pain, distressed and rendered incapable of performing my daily tasks.

Maithreyi very kindly offered to perform a short healing while i rested (I was not even aware it had been done until I managed to check my phone before sleeping)… Upon waking in the morning, I noticed that the head and eye pain was very much relieved!
This is the first day this week (Friday) that i have been able to function independently and without intense pain. As well as the healing practice, Maithreyi offered counsel to discuss personal struggles, advice regarding stress management, and suggested actions I can take to continue my healing (salt shower/soaks, meditation and movement to clear energetic blockages).
I am now left feeling extremely grateful and happy to have some relief! Thank you so much Maithreyi

Sarah, 40, Female, England


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